Top 10 Benefits of Email Marketing For Your Business

Tania Lawrence
5 min readJul 11, 2021


Icon for email app and notifications
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

So email is dead. No one uses it any more, right? Well, I can convince you to re-evaluate that. Yes, there’s social media, SEO, and video, and they all work well and are great marketing tools.

When it comes to better engagement, a true 1 to 1 connection with your customers, and dynamic content how YOU want it, email is top!

In this article, I’m putting the case forward on why you should be using, and how effective, email is.

So. What are the benefits of email marketing?

1. You Own It!

What do I mean by that? You control the channel. Unlike with a lot of other marketing efforts, with email marketing, you can pick your audience. The time, the format, the exact copy, and the images, it’s all under your control. And you don’t have to worry about the channel or platform going under or kicking you out. Email will always be around (unlike Myspace).

2. Helps Build Reputation and Relationships

With email, you’re not limited to character count, you can talk as much as you’d like. And this opens up a great channel for sharing useful and helpful information. In turn, this will strengthen your relationships with your customers and keep them engaged with your brand.

Image by Kate Stejskal from Pixabay

3. Accessible

Emails are available anytime on any device, including the all-important mobile devices. So you can reach people on their work commute, queuing at the supermarket, even on the loo.

HubSpot reports:

“Mobile opens account for 46 percent of all email opens. 35% of business professionals check email on a mobile device.”.

ClickZ also stated that a study from Adestra found 73% of ‘millennials’ prefer brand interaction via emails.

Source: ClickZ

The study also found that:

“About three-quarters of respondents aged 14 to 24 have an email address because ‘it’s a part of everyday life’.

Almost half say that checking email is the first thing they do in the morning, before even getting out of bed”.

4. Personalisation

You can do this with social media, right? Well yes, but one of the biggest benefits of email marketing is that it’s so much more targeted. The personalisation capabilities are so much more effective. With proper use of segmentation in your email data, you can address your contacts on a one-to-one basis.

Name, interests, location, and content; there are so many ways to engage your customers. Only email can provide a service that is completely catered to the individual receiving the message.

Example of email personalisation by Converse
Example of email personalisation by OpenTable

What are the types of emails?

Along with personalisation, they are so many types of emails that you can send to your customers. These types can depend on things like your goal or where the customer is on the buyer’s journey.

Types of emails include:

  • Newsletters
  • Welcome emails
  • Receipt/confirmation emails
  • Member/offers emails
  • Abandoned cart emails
  • Sales offer emails
  • Promotional/new product emails
  • Updates/special announcements emails
  • Re-engagement emails
  • Feedback/review/survey emails

A Campaign Monitor article found that:

“Both millennials and Gen Z prefer emails that deliver a direct benefit to them and find overly promotional messages annoying.

Both groups mentioned how annoying and spammy sales emails are, but they also mention how helpful and informative emails can be.”

5. Easy to Find

Posts on social media may be tricky to find again. Another of the great benefits of email marketing is that emails in the inbox are there until the owner decides to delete or take action. So they can easily find your fantastic offers at a later time.

6. Gets The Message Across

According to the Campaign Monitor

90% of email gets delivered to the intended recipient’s inbox, whereas only 2% of your Facebook fans see your posts in their News Feed”.

This is due to Facebook limitations on News Feed appearances, to drive companies to their paid advertising options.

7. Quick Results

With email marketing, you get immediate results and are able to track how your campaigns are performing. You’ll be able to see what works for your customers and what doesn’t, very quickly.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

8. Cost-Effective and Easy

Why are emails so important? You don’t need a lot of money to produce emails. A lot of online platforms and services make producing and copying, emails easy. There are many free options out there, so you can reach a lot of people for not a lot of money.

9. Better Conversions

When it comes to conversions, email is a great option. MailChimp states: “the average open rate (for all industries) is 20.81%”. The average click-through rate from a tweet, according to Hubspot, is 1.64%.

10. More People Have Email

According to Statista:

“In 2020, the number of global e-mail users amounted to four billion and is set to grow to 4.6 billion users in 2025….In 2020, approximately 306 billion e-mails were sent and received every day worldwide. This figure is projected to increase to over 376 billion daily e-mails in 2025”

This is more than the top-performing social media platform. AgencyAnalytics states:

Statista estimates that 4.1 billion people worldwide use e-mail. By contrast, Facebook, had roughly 2.8 billion monthly active users at the end of 2020.”

Not everyone is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. These platforms have different audiences; in age, location, and interest. It can be tricky to reach everyone you need to and efficiently.

Chances are though that all these people will have email. With personalisation and segmentation applied, you can send an email that will reach a lot more people.

Check out this super helpful video from HubSpot for more on the benefits of email marketing and how to maintain it.

Hope you enjoyed the article and found it useful.

If you’d like to see more of my stuff, check out my Instagram and my website 👩



Tania Lawrence

Geeky, vegan writer. Passionate about mental health, having a happy life and finding adventure.